Sunday, December 30, 2007


I just read a good article about business, and I am very interested in. I want to study stock market and make money from that. But now I do not have advantages to do that. I need more time to get used to living in the U.S. Nobody understands me. It is not necessary for me. I can grow up without assitance from others. I beleive myself because I am very smart, and I appreciate my abilities.

DEC 30, 2007.

I. Five words of the day:
1. inflation (n): thoi phong, bom phong len, nan lam phat.
(adj): inflationary.
Sentence: Inflation in Vietnam is on horse-speed.
2. asset (n): mot cai gi co ich, tai san co gia tri cua nguoi hoac cty.
Sentence: My best asset is the brain.
3. subtract (v): khau tru, chiet khau.
(n): subtraction.
Sentence: Profit is what you have after subtraction.
4. liability (n): trach nhiem, nghia vu, mot mon no.
Sentence: Liabilities are a part that you cannot avoid when you open a business.
5. pension (n+v): luong huu, huu bong, cap luong huu.
Sentence: Mr An Nguyen will be pensioned next year.


2007 is almost done. Only two days are left. I have been in the U.S for about

three years. What did I gain in past three years? Nothing. I wasted three years. I would have

done many significant things. Many times I realized that I had grown up everyday. My age is

going up day by day. Two more days, I will be a twenty-five-year-old man. But I still

have had nothing. No career. No education. No money. Everything are going oppositely with

what I have dreamed, and I feel very frustrated about that. I envy my cousins. I jealous of

what they are having. But I do not have any choice. I should accept the fact that I have been

here with two emty hands. But I am a strong man. I cannot yield the tough situations. I

encourage myself. Unlike almost my friends, I do not have any support from my family. I am

afraid to be alone. I used to have so many friends in my country. Since I came here, I felt very

lonely. Not because nobody wants to be my friend, but I feel I do not belong to thier world.

They have grown up here. They received a cuture that I just contacted when I was twenty

two years old. My best friends are too far away from me. Anyway, I have to work hard

to make my dreams become true. A new year is coming, and I will put my life in order. I


Tuesday, October 30, 2007


What am I doing? I have asked myself this question many times. I have plans for my future, and I am trying to do the best of my ability. But I usually break my plans up. I really do not want to do that. Absolutely not. But I have done it. Why is that? I feel dissapointed myself. Today is 10/30. I want to start again on 11/1. I will forget everything. I will focus on my future. OK, I will do that. I am a strong man, and I will never yield the destiny.


Today is Monday, first day of the week, and I want to start over again. I can say that I had o good day. I have done everything I wanted to do. Although I still felt about something, I am happy. I am chatting with my good friends in my country. I am very glad to see them happy. I am going to bed. Bye.

Saturday, October 6, 2007


Is life fair? Absolutely no. I had never trusted to destiny before I came to the U.S. I had ever thought that we had to work best of our ability to reach the dream. But now I realize that although we do anything, we still cannot get out of destiny' arrangement. My mother' cousin just came to visit our family this morning. Her son is at my age. He just graduated in last summer. All the people praised him. What am I having at his age? Nothing. I have to go to school to study English which is his native language. I have to go to work as a low-level person everyday. My mother's cousin asked me," what are you studying". Do you know what my answer is? I said," I do not go to school". To study English at age-twenty four is a disgrace for me, and I do not want anybody knows about this. I wondered myself," Why are our situation so much different". And I realized that luck is only reason. He came to the U.S at age-eight. He has been living in a family which parents know how to support their children. I do not have that luck. I have to move out of my family when I was a ten years-old boy. Throughout past fourteen years, I have fought difficulties in the life alone. Although I am a strong man, sometimes I feel very lonely. Right now, all of our family are in my aunt' house to have a party. I am sitting alone in my apartment. I do not want to go there because of my complex. All my cousin came here when they were children, and all of them graduated from university. I am out of that place, out of their life. I do not want to get lost in conversation.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Dear my friends,
Good afternoon everybody. Welcome to my first blog. Why did I make this blog? I am an introspective person. I do not have habit to share my feeling with the others. All the people think that I am happy without sadness because the smile has always been on my mouth. But anyway, I am a human and like everybody in the world, I do have all the feeling. That' why I made this blog. In this blog, I can take off my mask ang go back to my real characteristics. In addition, I have been studying English, and here is a good place to practice my English skills.
Today is one of first days of October, I am at workplace. Like many people, I do have ambition and plans to make it become true. But there are a lot of dificulties on that way. To succeed is a long tough process that requires the constant efforts. I definitely know that, but sometimes I feel frustrated about what I am having. I wondered myself," Where is my life going to go". I realized that studying is only access for me to reach the success. I knew I broke down my plans many times. But I promised myself,"This will never happen again". My plan is to study hard and save money to do business, and I will do anyway to keep my plan go on that way. I will forget the past, and today is my first day of my life. That'why I called the first page in my blog is " A New Start".