Sunday, December 30, 2007


2007 is almost done. Only two days are left. I have been in the U.S for about

three years. What did I gain in past three years? Nothing. I wasted three years. I would have

done many significant things. Many times I realized that I had grown up everyday. My age is

going up day by day. Two more days, I will be a twenty-five-year-old man. But I still

have had nothing. No career. No education. No money. Everything are going oppositely with

what I have dreamed, and I feel very frustrated about that. I envy my cousins. I jealous of

what they are having. But I do not have any choice. I should accept the fact that I have been

here with two emty hands. But I am a strong man. I cannot yield the tough situations. I

encourage myself. Unlike almost my friends, I do not have any support from my family. I am

afraid to be alone. I used to have so many friends in my country. Since I came here, I felt very

lonely. Not because nobody wants to be my friend, but I feel I do not belong to thier world.

They have grown up here. They received a cuture that I just contacted when I was twenty

two years old. My best friends are too far away from me. Anyway, I have to work hard

to make my dreams become true. A new year is coming, and I will put my life in order. I


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