Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Dear my friends,
Good afternoon everybody. Welcome to my first blog. Why did I make this blog? I am an introspective person. I do not have habit to share my feeling with the others. All the people think that I am happy without sadness because the smile has always been on my mouth. But anyway, I am a human and like everybody in the world, I do have all the feeling. That' why I made this blog. In this blog, I can take off my mask ang go back to my real characteristics. In addition, I have been studying English, and here is a good place to practice my English skills.
Today is one of first days of October, I am at workplace. Like many people, I do have ambition and plans to make it become true. But there are a lot of dificulties on that way. To succeed is a long tough process that requires the constant efforts. I definitely know that, but sometimes I feel frustrated about what I am having. I wondered myself," Where is my life going to go". I realized that studying is only access for me to reach the success. I knew I broke down my plans many times. But I promised myself,"This will never happen again". My plan is to study hard and save money to do business, and I will do anyway to keep my plan go on that way. I will forget the past, and today is my first day of my life. That'why I called the first page in my blog is " A New Start".

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